Q: How do I listen to your show?
A: The show airs every Thursday’s from 9PM to Midnight EST please go to the listen page to see what stations are carrying the show.

Q: What days are you on?
A: Thursday’s from 9PM to Midnights EST. That is 7PM to 10PM Mountain.

Q: Do I have to go to a station to listen or can I listen right from this website?
A: At this time you have to go to one of our authorized stations, we do not hold the licensing to stream from this website or stream to listeners directly.

Q: How can I request a song?
A: Please go to our request page. There you can request or dedicate a song to someone.

Q: Can my station pick up your show to rebroadcast it?
A: Yes we do offer syndication, you must contact us and we will get you setup.

Q: I am setup to rebroadcast your show how do I do it?
A: When you sign up we will give you some information about where to pull our stream from. This information is for you, please do not give it to your listeners. You will add this to your software to play it as a URL. The way this is done varies by software. If you need help contact the support for your software provider.

Q: What is this license you keep bringing up?
A: In the USA and in most countries copyright laws state that in order to play music in a setting such as radio you music be licensed and pay royalties. We require that all our stations have this in place. In the United States the DMCA is the controlling law. There are many different companies that offer this licensing and take care of all the royalty reporting for you.

Q: Are you licensed by a service like the ones stated above?
A: No we are not, we are not legally required to be since we are syndicating the show to stations only, and the station is required to be licensed, which is another reason we require stations to be licensed. Now if we ever decided to make it possible to listen from our website directly then we would have to get a license for that.

Q: Is the show live?
A: Most of the time the show is live, but every now and then things come up and we have to give the stations a pre-recorded show.